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Have you changed your mind about your order after you received it?

Our refund policy is two weeks only (14 days) from the date of arrival.

Kindly make sure to put the items you wish to refund back in Momma Store shopping bag, all items must be in the same packaging and condition as received, and any damage in the item will not be accepted and will not be refunded. 

Label should not be removed from the item, and any item with a box must be returned in the same box (undamaged), as labels and boxes are considered part of the item.

After Momma Store receive the retuned item(s), an action of the refund will be taken.

Delivery charges (depends on your area) will be deducted from the refunded amount.

Refund will be in your bank account. Please note refund will take 1-10 working days depending on the payment method (Visa-Master-K-net)

Have you changed your mind about your order before receiving it?

In case you have changed your mind and decided to cancel your order before your order is collected from the delivery company, you will be refunded the full amount within 5-10 working days.

In case you have changed your mind and decided to cancel your order after the driver arrived to your home, delivery charges (depends on your area) will be deducted.